NSW Health Department guidelines state that children's centres must provide children with at least 50% of their daily recommended nutrients in the form of safe and appetising foods. Our Cook Catherine ensures that these nutritional requirements are met. The emphasis on whole foods with plenty of raw and cooked fruit and vegetables. We encourage and promote a low salt and reduced sugar diet. The menu also incorporates food from a variety of cultures. The menu is based on a six week rotation covering all food groups.
Breakfast is available if required for early starters, morning tea, a 2 course lunch, afternoon tea and late afternoon tea for late leavers, are all provided. Milk and water are offered at morning and afternoon tea, with water being available with lunch and all throughout the day.
What is Good for Kids…Good for Life? This program is Australia’s largest ever program promoting healthy eating and physical activity for kids aged up to 15 years. The program provides practical information, as well as new programs and systems in schools, child care centres, sports clubs and health services to help children, parents, carers and the wider community, know more about healthy weight, good nutrition and physical activity. Many of our staff have attended specialised training in relation to the Nutrition and Physical Activity components of this program and all staff are aware of our centre’s Food and Nutrition and Physical Activity Programs.
By following the guidelines set down by this program we aim to promote a healthy lifestyle for children by providing food, food and nutrition education which is consistent with the National Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents, state regulations and food safety principles. These will be appropriate to the child’s age, cultural background, religion and/or medical needs.